‘All about Memory’ by the neurologist B.Croisille, Odile Jacob Publisher

Today, we will talk about memory, namely the memory you need to practise the respiratory self- relaxation that many of you know about. For those who don’t, all you need to do is visit my website, ‘www.selfarmonia.com’, under the eponymous chapter. To study this complex subject, I have chosen the remarkable, accessible book, ‘All about Memory’ by Bernard Croisille, the neurologist, published by Odile Jacob.

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Symbolism of several trees

Some of you have already successfully tried my method of respiratory self-relaxation. In the second part of the session, during the positive visua lisation phase, I guide each person towards his or her secret garden. Then I invite them to head towards a specific tree that they are spontaneously drawn to. Today, therefore, I would like to speak about the symbolism of trees that goes far back into the ages. Here is the subtle meaning of some of our faithful, silent life- companions:

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